和孩子一起玩数学Creative Activities That Make Math Science Fun for Kids[百度云网盘]

Discover secret math and science tricks to creating art! This title introduces young readers to the sciences, with a creative twist. Math and science educational pages are interspersed with Cool String Art activities that offer practical applications of the information students learn in class. All activities include how-to photos, easy instructions, and clear explanations. Reinforce Common Core Standards in reading, math, and science, while making cool art projects, from string art polygons to planets and constellations. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards

Cool String Art: Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!
Cool Structures. Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!
Cool Tessellations. Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!
Cool Paper Folding. Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!
Cool Optical Illusions. Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!
Cool Flexagon Art. Creative Activities That Make Math & Science Fun for Kids!

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