Rock N Learn 自然拼读phonics动画教学视频全32集下载
分享一套Rock N Learn儿童动画类频道的自然拼读phonics动画,适合英语初级的孩子观看。
名称:Rock N Learn 自然拼读phonics
Rock N Learn 自然拼读phonics动画教学视频全32集 目录:
01 ABC Phonics Song with Baby Bradley Two Words for Each Letter of the Alphabet
02 ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Children – Alphabet Song with Two Words for Eac
03 Animals ABC Phonics Song for Kids Two Animals for Each Letter of the Alphabet
04 BL Blend Sound BL Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Chi
05 CH Digraph Sound CH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Childre
06 CK Digraph Sound CK Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Childre
07 CR Blend Sound CR Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Chi
08 Digraphs ch, sh, th, ck, ph, gh, wh Rock \’N Learn Phonics Songs
09 Ending Sounds Phonics Songs ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, dge
10 Learn to Read with Phonics Consonant Blends, Digraphs, Silent e, Story Practice
11 Learn to Read with Phonics Diphthongs, Schwa Sound, Ending Sounds Part 4 of 4
12 Learn to Read with Phonics Long Vowels, R-Controlled Vowels, Story Practice Pa
13 Learn to Read with Phonics Short Vowels, Consonants, Consonant-Vowel-Consonant
14 Letter Sounds – Phonics for Beginners – Rock \’N Learn Complete Program
15 LF Consonant Blend Sound LF Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Soun
16 MP Ending Consonant Blend Sound MP Blend Song and Practice Rock \’N Learn
17 PH & GH Digraph Sound PH & GH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds f
18 PT Ending Consonant Blend Sound PT Blend Song and Practice Rock \’N Learn
19 Read, Spell & Write Sight Words – Kindergarten & Preschool – one, two, three, re
20 Read, Spell & Write Sight Words – little, big, look, see, find, run, jump
21 Read, Spell & Write Sight Words – play, away, and, you, I, we, can, make
22 SC Consonant Blend Sound SC Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Soun
23 SH Digraph Sound SH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Childre
24 SK Consonant Blend Sound SK Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Soun
25 SQU Trigraph Sound SQU Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Chil
26 ST Consonant Blend Sound ST Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Soun
27 TCH Trigraph Sound TCH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Chil
28 TH Digraph Sound TH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Childre
29 Three-Letter Consonant Blends scr spl spr str
30 Trigraph Songs shr, squ, tch
31 TW Consonant Blend Sound TW Blend Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Soun
32 WH Digraph Sound WH Song and Practice ABC Phonics Song with Sounds for Childre

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